Number 2

September 06, 20201 min read

There is not a poop joke to follow here, surprisingly, but I got your attention.

I was interviewed over a month ago for a podcast. It was the second time I have been interviewed. Number 2 on the books.

It went live a couple of days ago. Listen HERE.

I'm sharing it here for a few reasons.

  1. It's been a while since I wrote a blog post, and this is a great excuse to do so.

  2. I did something that challenges me. I typically do not like speaking in front of people, but this was much easier because it was a virtual recording.

  3. It's a way to measure progress. Looking back a few years ago, I would never have imagined being interviewed for a podcast, focusing on MY business. It wasn't in the cards.

  4. I want to look back on this and laugh at how naive or inexperienced I sound, because I have grown.

Thanks to Shelley Iverson and Nate Ebert for the interview. Check out other episodes of The Shelley Show here.

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Susie Moon

With me, it's more than a to-do list. It's a personal investment in the outcome. I dream with clients about how to improve their business and implement tangible steps to achieve results.

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