
Someone coined the term ‘Do it scared’. What exactly were they doing?

December 22, 20243 min read

I’ve always been curious to know who said it first. Do it scared. You know, the wise words from coaches or friends or your Aunt Edna, urging you in the direction of stepping out of your comfort zone.

Do it scared, they say.

If it weren’t scary, it wouldn’t be worth doing, they say.

I’m dying to know what exactly the first person was doing when they came up with this term. DYING to know.

Like, was it tackling an American Ninja Warrior course? Giant drop roller coaster? Setting up their profile on a dating app? Sober karaoke? It had to be something BIG. You know, scary big.

Earlier this year, I actually had my own ‘do it scared’ opportunity.

Remember how I actually have 3 businesses? (It’s ok if you don’t remember, just nod and pretend)

One of them, The Super User Index, was up for the 2024 National Entrepreneur’s Association Virtual Pitch Contest. I was a top 10 finalist, which was AWESOME! After I digested the emails from them announcing my status as a finalist, I took a deep breath and felt………..


Yes. Scared. Such an exciting opportunity, which means that I have to pitch to LIVE PEOPLE that will JUDGE me. Well, not me (hopefully). But my pitch. They’ll judge my pitch, about my business. So technically, still me.

Let the prep begin*! I crafted up the pitch, practiced, edited, got feedback from my team, practiced again, edited again, and so on. You see how this goes. My competitive spirit got just a little fire lit, and I was in the zone right up until the event.

I was ready for my close up as they say. Rehearsed, confident and ready.

And, still scared.

And yet, I did it anyway. Just like my coaches, friends and Aunt Edna would want me to.

All that prep, excitement and healthy nerves got me through it. As a SECOND Place Winner. YAHOO! (throw your own confetti here)

I proved that I could not only ‘do it scared’, but I could grow in my skills, gain confidence and share the valuable benefits of The Super User Index with a whole new group that will get a chance to check it out and see for themselves why it’s the one-stop-shop for finding your tech experts.

When you pour your heart and soul into your businesses, you need to share it all. Get visible. Stop being the Best Kept Secret. Serve your own ideal clients with your passion and vision.

So, what’s your ‘do it scared’ moment? Is it in the rear view mirror or are we working toward it? Who is your support system? Who’s in your corner, Mother Nudging you to the finish line and tearing up bright paper into little teeny tiny shards so that the confetti really sets sail?

Comment here and let me know. I NEED to know.

I’ll let Aunt Edna know you’re getting out of that comfort zone. She’ll be so excited.

*Not to be confused with the other ‘prep’ that also inspires real fear - the colonoscopy prep. Yep, I said it. And, we’ve ALL been there, or will soon be there. All this is for another article though.

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Susie Moon

With me, it's more than a to-do list. It's a personal investment in the outcome. I dream with clients about how to improve their business and implement tangible steps to achieve results.

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